You can make a difference. Donate to the Quebec Community Health and Social Services Foundation (QCHF) and make a difference. All funds raised by QCHF will be dedicated to improving the health and well-being of English-speaking communities across the province of Quebec.


Your donation allows us to promote health and well-being of English-speaking minority communities. So we can continue to run community based projects with our partners, who are seeking constructive solutions to health and well-being in minority communities across Quebec.  

Kinds of Donation

You can donate to the Quebec Community Health and Social Services Foundation (QCHF) and make a difference. All funds raised by QCHF will be dedicated to improving the health and well-being of English-speaking communities across the province of Quebec.

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Tell your friends and family about our community needs. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Join now and make an impact!

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